Ordered Deletion

Resources deletion is processed in the order specified on the GlobalOwner resource.

Deletion process


Unfortunately this design does not work, because of an issue in the garbage collector implementation: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/121113. Until it is fixed, this is just a concept.


As the resource is adopted using owner reference to the parent object, when the parent object is removed using foreground or background policy, the adopted resource will be removed as well. To opt out of this behavior, the metacontroller instance should be scaled down, the finalizer metacontroller.io/compositecontroller-<global-owner-name> should be removed from the resource, and then the GlobalOwner resource can be deleted with the orphan deletion policy. Adopted resources will stay untouched, however, the CompositeController and the ClusterRole created by the GlobalOwner resource will stay in the cluster, so the permission scope will not be reduced. Those will have to be cleaned up manually.