
This process involves creating infrastructure resources, bound to the parent GlobalOwner object by ownership references, and allowing the child objects to be adopted by the GlobalOwner resource later.


Bootstrap process is carried by a single DecoratorController replica created during installation phase.

The process consists of 2 parts:

  1. For each child group in the GlobalOwner resource, create a CompositeController replica.
  2. Create an aggregated ClusterRole with permissions required to access every resource from child groups. The rules in this role will aggregate to the metacontroller replica installed with the controller.

A ClusterRole per each group has only these permissions:

  • get
  • list
  • watch
  • update - required for the created CompositeController to apply ownership reference on the resource.


Upon removal of the parent GlobalOwner resource, every bootstrapped component will be deleted using kubernetes garbage collection. This allows for the aggregated permissions to be scaled down upon removal, as the ClusterRole is getting removed.